AIA Dayton Student Design Competition Will Kick off in January!

The Annual AIA Dayton Student Design Competition will kick off in January designing a Youth Hub in downtown Dayton to serve school-aged teens traveling through the RTA system. Thousands of students travel through the RTA Hub every month in downtown Dayton to get to and from school. Through this competition, students will design a place where youth can hang out, eat, and play after school near the hub. This project is for teens, designed by teens. The registration fee is $25 per student which includes entry to the competition and a free t-shirt at the awards ceremony.

The deadline to register is the day of the charrette on January 18th. The charrette will be held at the Dayton Metro Library Main Campus in the Bassani Theater.

The program is designed for college-bound high school students, grades 9 through 12, interested in art, architecture, or design. The competition is open to all students within AIA Dayton's nine-county geographic region (Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby Counties) and/or zip codes beginning with 453, 454, 455, and 458. The event is limited to the first 80 students who return their registration form with the $25 per student registration fee.


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